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The Game

Hero Master is a browser game where you fully control a Super Hero that has been recruited to partecipate in the awesome Hero Master Tournament that attracts all beings from the whole universe.

At the very start of your journey, you will be subjected to a special treatment. As a consequence of this treatment, all your powers will be reset and you will start your career knowing only one skill. On the other hand, you will have the possibility to use the special apparatus known in the whole galaxy as PowerTronPlus™, that will aid you to develop your Super Powers very very quickly.

You have one month to fully prepare for the Tournament and to quickly foster your Super Powers asking a Teacher to teach you, fighting against other Heroes or solving missions.

The main aim of the game is obviously to win the final Hero Master Tournament. To the winner will be granted everlasting glory. To all the losers, nothing else that the chance to participate in the next Tournament.

As soon as a Tournament ends, a new one will start. All the heroes will be subjected to the initial treatment and all together they will start from scratch to reach the glory!

Everyone is accepted as a new Hero and a potential Champion, because the huge audience of the Tournament always asks for new heroes to partecipate.

Hero Master's World

On the "World" page of Hero Master you will see all that is happening around your Hero in the Hero Master World. At the top of the page you'll see the main news of the site, and also the countdown for the next Tournament (don't forget to sign up!).

Just below the news, you'll see a list of teachers available for that day. It is worth noticing that not all the teacher types are always available, because teachers are limited and there are many more heroes. If you don't find the teacher you'd like, you have to wait until the next day and hope that the teacher you desire will show up.

Continuing the description of the "World" page, below the teachers there is a list of missions available for that day. As with the teachers, not all the mission types are always available, but this list changes more often, because every time that a mission is organized, a new one replaces it. So be sure to check that page often, if you like a specific mission.

Below the list of available missions, you'll see a list of missions that are already organized by someone and are open for everyone to join. It could also be a good idea to check this list, because the higher level missions will probably require many heroes to be accomplished.

For further informations about missions

check the Mission section

Finally, at the bottom of the page, some statistics about heroes and fights are provided. Those can be fun and also useful to understand who's the best at the moment.


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