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This is an object useful in fights Energetic pill

Powers up in fight by 50% against opponents of opposite orientation (doesn't work for or against neutrals).

This is an object useful in fights Unique Object Magic belt

Halfens the weight of negative special events for element in fight.

This is an object of immediate use Brain Game Ticket

Buying this ticket you'll be able to play at the Brain Game once more. Pay attention: the extra game is valid only for one day, if you'll wait tomorrow the chance will be lost.

This is an object that enhance your daily activity Unique Object Insignia

Improves your look making the fans happier.

This is an object that enhance your daily activity Unique Object Training course

Improves by 20% the training results.

This is an object of immediate use Scratch card

Will you win?

This is an object that enhance your daily activity Unique Object Mascotte

A mascotte is completely useless.